Call For Abstracts
ANZICS and ACCCN invite the submission of abstracts on original work for consideration for an oral or poster display for the 2025 ASM.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is Friday 15 November 2024, 5pm AEDT.
The ANZICS/ACCCN Intensive Care Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) and annual Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Conference invited submissions for
oral presentations and poster presentations.
ANZICS/ACCCN ASM 2025 Abstract Guidelines
Please read the guidelines below carefully. Abstracts not submitted in this format may not be considered for review. If you have any difficulties or queries about the abstract format, please contact the ASM Event Managers at
Only abstracts submitted in English will be reviewed.
Abstracts are to be submitted in Microsoft Word format only and in the specified format – please view the sample abstract template here.
- Text should be single spaced throughout with black Arial 10 point font.
- Text should not contain subheadings, underlines or bold type.
- Abstracts must have a maximum of 2000 characters (approximately 300 words). Character count is verified by the submission site and includes blank spaces, punctuation, symbols, returns, etc.
- Abstracts should not have been published in a preprint server or in a peer reviewed publication, and in general should not have been presented at more than one meeting from which such publications arise. Studies with substantial changes in methodology and/or with substantial additional data may be submitted, presented and published a second time, but rewritten abstracts on the same study should not.
- Each abstract will only be eligible for one (1) award only.
- Each abstract must nominate for journal for publication in Australian Critical Care or no journal publication.
Abstract headings should contain the following:
- Title in BLOCK CAPITALS throughout.
- One line space prior to text commencement.
- Wherever possible the title should be precise so that it conveys a message – eg “High dose adrenaline does not improve in-hospital survival from cardiac arrest”
Please note that a blind review process will be conducted. You will be asked to provide author names and affiliations in the online submission process (authors must be listed in order of involvement), however please do not include this information on your Word document abstract.
Abstracts should contain brief but complete statements of:
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion(s)
- The abstract must contain sufficient information so that, if it is published in the proceedings of the ASM or in a journal, it will be a complete report independent of the presentation.
- The text should not contain statements alluding to results or conclusions not presented in the text; abstracts stating “will be discussed”, “will be described” or “will be presented” will be rejected.
- Abstracts should be written in the past tense, i.e. should state what was done, not what is being, should or will be done.
- Use only standard abbreviations (“Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals” Non standard abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and defined in parentheses in the text. In general, no more than two non-standard abbreviations should appear and these should only be used to replace words appearing four times or more in the text. Use SI units except for pressure; use cmH2O or mmHg with kPa units in brackets (optional).
- Abstracts containing graphs, diagrams, or complex tables will not be accepted. Simple tables are acceptable.
- Brief acknowledgments of supporting institutions or funding may be made at the end of the text and are not included in the word count.
- References are not to be included.
Abstracts received after the closing date will not be accepted.
Please read the abstract guidelines and abstract template before submitting your abstract. If you have any difficulties or queries about the abstract format, please contact the ASM Event Managers at
Key Dates
Abstract Submission Opens – August 2024
Abstract Submission Closes – Wednesday 6 November 2024
Abstract Acceptance Email – January 2025
All presenters must register to attend the ASM. Acceptance of abstracts into the program is contingent upon receipt of the registration fee.
It is the responsibility of the submitting author to view and proof the file to ensure your abstract has been uploaded successfully. In addition, you may submit an additional abstract; replace your abstract with a revised copy; or when available, register for the ASM.
The primary author must be the presenter, must be medical and a member of ANZICS.
2. Matt Spence Medal (ANZICS)
The primary author must be the presenter and must be a financial trainee ANZICS member who has been validated as training in intensive care. Authors may only submit one paper for consideration of the Matt Spence Medal. Authors who have previously received this award may not receive it again.
3. Best Paediatric Medical Paper (ANZICS)
The primary author must be the presenter, must be medical and a member of ANZICS.
4. Safety & Quality Best Paper (ANZICS)
Awarded for the best paper on safety and quality. The primary author may be medical, nursing or allied health and must be a member of ANZICS. Only awarded when suitable papers are submitted.
5. Best Medical Poster (ANZICS)
The primary author must be medical and a member of ANZICS.
6. Best Nursing Scholarship Paper (ACCCN)
Awarded for the best free paper based on research completed as a component of a Masters or PhD. The main author of the paper must be a nurse, a member of ACCCN and present the paper. The paper may be of adult, paediatric or neonatal interest. Only oral presentations will be considered.
7. Best Nursing Paper (ACCCN)
The primary author must be a nurse, a member of ACCCN and present the paper. Only oral presentations delivered during the adult component of the conference will be considered for this prize.
8. Best Paediatric or Neonatal Nursing Paper (ACCCN)
The primary author must be a nurse, a member of ACCCN and present the paper. Only oral presentations delivered during the paediatric component of the ASM will be considered for this prize.
9. Best Nursing Poster (ACCCN)
The main author must be a nurse and a member of ACCCN. The paper may be of adult, paediatric or neonatal interest.
10. Best Allied Health Paper (ANZICS & ACCCN)
Awarded for the best allied health free paper presentation of any discipline. The primary author must be an allied health practitioner and the presenter.
11. Best Allied Health Poster (ANZICS & ACCCN)
Awarded for the best allied health poster from any allied health discipline. The primary author must be the presenter and be from an allied health discipline. The paper may be of adult, paediatric or neonatal interest.